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This project is testing out and demonstrating new ideas about what a game can be, how it gets made, and what gameplay can involve. 


spring_alpha, 2007

Simon Yuill


spring_alpha” is a networked game system set in an industrialised council estate whose inhabitants are attempting to create their own autonomous society in contrast to that of the regime in which they live. The game serves as a “sketch pad” for testing out alternative forms of social practice at both the “narrative” level, in terms of the game story, and at a “code” level, as players are able to re-write the code that runs the simulated world.


The original narrative is based on a series of drawings by Chad McCail, “Spring” and “Evolution is Not Over yet“, which also shape the game’s visual style. The basic aim of the game is to change the rules by which the society in that world runs. This is done through hacking and altering the code that simulates that world, creating new types of behaviour and social interaction. How effective this becomes depends on the players’ ability to spread these new ideas into the society.



In its name, the project combines the title of one of Chad’s drawings with the term ‘alpha’, referring in part to sci-fi dystopia’s such as Godard’ “Alphaville” but also derived from software development. “Alpha” software are early proof-of-concept versions in which ideas are first formed. “spring_alpha” is a game in permanent alpha state, always open to revision and re-versioning.  


spring_alpha” is innovative in its approach to the use of gaming as an artistic medium and in developing a form of creative practice that incorporates aspects of “open source” development into both the creation of the work and the way in which it is engaged with by the audience. “Open source” is an approach to software development that grew out of the hackers movement, it emphasizes the sharing of knowledge and code, and pursuit of innovation through collaboration. 

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08_01 08_02-1 08_02 08_03-1 08_03 08_04  08_06 08_07

Screen Shot 2016-08-09 at 7.08.28 PM

This project is testing out and demonstrating new ideas about what a game can be, how it gets made, and what gameplay can involve. 


spring_alpha, 2007

Simon Yuill


"spring_alpha" is a networked game system set in an industrialised council estate whose inhabitants are attempting to create their own autonomous society in contrast to that of the regime in which they live. The game serves as a "sketch pad" for testing out alternative forms of social practice at both the "narrative" level, in terms of the game story, and at a "code" level, as players are able to re-write the code that runs the simulated world.


The original narrative is based on a series of drawings by Chad McCail, "Spring" and "Evolution is Not Over yet", which also shape the game's visual style. The basic aim of the game is to change the rules by which the society in that world runs. This is done through hacking and altering the code that simulates that world, creating new types of behaviour and social interaction. How effective this becomes depends on the players' ability to spread these new ideas into the society.



In its name, the project combines the title of one of Chad's drawings with the term 'alpha', referring in part to sci-fi dystopia's such as Godard’ “Alphaville” but also derived from software development. “Alpha” software are early proof-of-concept versions in which ideas are first formed. “spring_alpha” is a game in permanent alpha state, always open to revision and re-versioning.  


"spring_alpha" is innovative in its approach to the use of gaming as an artistic medium and in developing a form of creative practice that incorporates aspects of "open source" development into both the creation of the work and the way in which it is engaged with by the audience. "Open source" is an approach to software development that grew out of the hackers movement, it emphasizes the sharing of knowledge and code, and pursuit of innovation through collaboration. 

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